Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence

Solidarity with Chelsea Manning: Oxford Vigil and Sam Adams Award

On the day that Chelsea Manning was to be awarded in absentia the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence, supporters from Oxford and beyond gathered on Cornmarket for a couple of hours in the afternoon for a solidarity vigil. Read the entire article here.

Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden Criticize the “Decline” of US Democracy

Former US Army soldier Chelsea Manning received the 2014 Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence from ex-intelligence officials for providing WikiLeaks with classified documents chronicling the wars against Iraq and Afghanistan, in a ceremony held at the Oxford Union on Wednesday evening. Read the entire article by Silkie Carlo here.

Chelsea Manning’s Acceptance Speech

Chelsea E. Manning 89289 1300 North Warehouse Road Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027-2304 2014.02.19 Statement thru Aaron Kirkhouse For Public Release The founders of America-fresh from a war of independence from King George lll-were particularly fearful of concentrating power. James Madison wrote that “the accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, […]

Chelsea Man­ning Awar­ded Sam Adams Integ­rity Prize for 2014

More articles about Chelsea Manning Janu­ary 16, 2014 The Sam Adams Asso­ci­ates for Integ­rity in Intel­li­gence (SAAII) have voted over­whelm­ingly to present the 2014 Sam Adams Award for Integ­rity in Intel­li­gence to Chelsea (formerly Brad­ley) Manning. A Nobel Peace Prize nom­inee, U.S. Army Pvt. Man­ning is the 25 year-old intel­li­gence ana­lyst who in 2010 provided […]

Washington Post’s Barton Gellman Interviews Edward Snowden

​Excerpt: Only one OATH ​​Gellman: “It is commonly said of Snowden hat he broke an oath of secrecy, a turn of phrase that captures a sense of betrayal. NSA Director Keith B. Alexander and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper, Jr., among many others, have used that formula.” [ Gellman interjects: “Snowden noted matter-of-factly […]

Snowden and Snooping

​Speech by Ambassador Chas W. Freeman at MIT, Dec. 12, 2013 Freeman is one of the best and brightest. Link: