Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence

Syria: ‘Chemical Attack’ – Ray McGovern on RT International

RT interview, March 31, 2017 (six minutes) This interview was conducted at 7 PM.  By that time on March 31, VIPS had heard from some of our U.S. military sources in the Middle East, who make a point of keeping us abreast at critical times, and who allergic to the all-too-common practice of “fixing” […]

The ‘Deep-State’ Assault on Trump

Below,  full video of the most comprehensive (and relaxed) of the four video interviews Ray gave on March 31.  Early that day WikiLeaks published enough CIA original documents to persuade Ray that the alleged “Russian hacking” last year was orchestrated by then-CIA Director John Brennan – not Vladimir Putin.  (Yes, you read that right.) March […]