The Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) are in need of generous donors to cover upcoming award event expenses.
The Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence is a movement made up of former intelligence officers who hold up the late CIA analyst Sam Adams as a model for those who would aspire to the courage to speak truth to power.
The organization and the award are named for the late Sam Adams, a CIA intelligence analyst who found during the Vietnam War that the U.S. Army command in South Vietnam was under-reporting by as much as half the number of Vietnamese communists under arms. When the CIA agreed to go along with the military’s numbers, Adams strongly objected, describing the agreement as a “monument of deceit.” Adams went to his early death at 54, believing that far fewer Americans might have died in the Vietnam war had he succeeded in exposing the truth at the time.
The SAAII confers an award each year to a member of the intelligence community or related professions who personifies Sam Adams’ courage, persistence, and dedication to the truth – no matter the consequences.
We are an informal movement, not an organization, devoted to honoring and supporting those with the courage to expose the truth, in the belief that the truth will keep us free. At this point, donations to the SAAII travel fund are not deductible.