Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence

Edward Snowden

NSA whistleblower William Binney wins 2015 Sam Adams award

William Binney, former technical director of the NSA turned whistleblower, last night received the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence. The ceremony in Berlin featured a powerful line-up of fellow whistleblowers and former intelligence officers, who honoured Binney for “shining light into the darkest of corners of secret government and corporate power”. Edward Snowden, […]

“Whistleblower sind keine Helden, sie sind Menschen wie du und ich!” – Awardverleihung & Videointerview

von Florian Gilberg am 24. Januar 2015, 14:22 in Überwachung / 1 Kommentar Edward Snowden beim Sam Adams Award 2015Am Donnerstagabend wurde in Berlin der ehemalige technische Direktor der NSA, William “Bill” Binney, mit dem Sam Adams Award ausgezeichnet. Vor Ort war zusätzlich zu dem Who-is-Who der Whistleblower”szene” auch die Aktivistin und Snowden-Begleiterin Sarah Harrison. […]

Voorwaarts!? Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence

Redactie.radiocentrall (Antwerp) interview of Ray McGovern and Coleen Rowley on October 5, 2014, about the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence. The article is in Dutch but you can hear the interviews in English at:

How Snowden Changed the World

By Annie Machon, June 6, 2014 Globe-rattling disclosures from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden began a year ago and have shaken how the world understands the capacity of the U.S. government and its allies to pry into almost every facet of the lives of almost anyone, as former British intelligence official Annie Machon recalls: A year […]

National security experts appeal for return to Constitutional government

Article by Linda Lewis on “Whistleblowing Today” Four national security whistleblowers and a former CIA analyst appeared onstage Tuesday at Georgetown University’s Gaston Hall for a roundtable discussion, “Beyond Orwell: Surveillance, Secrets & Whistleblowing in the Security State.” Keynote speaker Daniel Ellsberg, the famed “Pentagon Papers whistleblower,” fired a broadside at the political establishment, saying […]

Watch: Edward Snowden claims intelligence agencies screen trillions of private data

Intelligence agencies have screened trillions of citizens’ private communications over the vaguest of threats, Edward Snowden has claimed. The US whistleblower, speaking via video-link at the a hearing on mass surveillance at the Council of Europe, said the processes employed were an violation of human rights and an “extraordinarily intrusive means of investigation”. (Full article […]

Former CIA analyst (Ray McGovern) praises Edward Snowden

(By Roger McKinney) JOPLIN, Mo. — Edward Snowden isn’t a traitor, said Ray McGovern, former CIA intelligence analyst, during a Friday talk in Webster Hall’s Corley Auditorium at Missouri Southern State University. (Full article here)